GPS Support
As a participant of a Mir Tours & Services Tour you will receive an introduction into the world of navigation and the use of your vehicles system as programme point during the pre-tour meeting.
This is not a technical lecture (for this we run work shops), but we give you a rough overview. We will explain what waypoints, grids and world geodetic system are. You will be told what files and data you will receive prior to tour start. Also we will look at your current unit in use in order find out how you get the most out of it. Depending on your destination and your unit in use we will arrange for you to have free map material.
You may also use us as a private client.
Regardless whether you need advice on purchasing a new unit, have difficulties in using your gps unit, need help with the updates or search map material. We are at hand to support you.
Currently, 2017, we charge as follows:
For a fee of € 25,00 per working hour we will work on your project. The first hour if partly used will be charged as one hour. Please note that we will not charge the time that we load updates because we can keep working on other things. Should you like to be present, require attention etc we will charge the full time.
Garmin Nüvi Update € 25,00 €
we update your navigation system according to your purchase details. This will take around 3-4 hours with our hands-on involvement taking around 15-30 minutes.